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‘Aarjav’, means honesty, in Sanskrit. Our plagiarism detection software helps detect and prevent plagiarism. We take all the efforts to be honest and full of integrity in all that we do. We offer comprehensive plagiarism solutions that cater to individuals, institutions and organizations.
Academic integrity is the basic expectation from all people connected with the academic institution that they would be honest, truthful and fair and would treat everyone with respect and responsibility, in all that they do.
Plagiarism is the act of copy-pasting someone else’s content and passing it off as one’s own, with minor changes to the content, or by using synonyms to the content, in some cases. It is the representation of other people’s ideas as one’s own without properly acknowledging the source from where the information has been got. While in most cases, plagiarism happens intentionally, there is also the unintentional plagiarism where due to different cultural norms, people may have confusion about how to cite or paraphrase. Another form of plagiarism is self-plagiarism which means that one’s own work is used in more places than one, without properly citing the work.
Plagiarism happens for multiple reasons, mainly because some people choose to consciously copy paste content from some other source and pass it off as their own, without even acknowledging from where the content has been got. While most plagiarism happens intentionally, there is also the case of unintentional plagiarism. Plagiarism can happen due to under-developed academic skills for writing, lack of critical and analytical skills, and poor referencing abilities.
Plagiarism can happen anywhere, at any time and place. It can happen in verbal or written communication, as well as with music and lyrics of songs etc.
It is important to address plagiarism in order to promote original and authentic content, and nurture creativity and innovation.
Plagiarism can be addressed in various ways such as doing a thorough research on one’s topic before writing, so that due acknowledgement can be given to the sources as well as to the authors from whom inspiration has been drawn. One has to give themselves enough time to research before beginning the actual writing work. Proper citation and paraphrasing needs to be done so as to find the original source of the document. It is best to authenticate the sources from where the content is researched and taken from. A good plagiarism detection tool software can help you find out the degree to which plagiarism exists in the document.
Our plagiarism software solutions can help you detect and protect yourself and your organization/institution from all kinds of plagiarism. Get in touch with our team to know more about how you can protect yourself and your organization from plagiarism.
eAarjav is a powerful tool to help teachers focus on other priorities as compared to focusing on time-consuming repetitive tasks to detect copied content and data. Teachers and faculty can meaningfully engage with students in the process of authentic learning instead of having to monitor integrity and authenticity of the content.